This desk table was probably the prerogative of a high dignitary of the Customs corps, in charge of a flourishing trading post located on the banks of the Olt, the former name of the Lot.

Desk table in oak and chestnut – Louis XIII – 17th century – Quercy – [ME074]

Desk table in oak and chestnut – Louis XIII – 17th century – Quercy Given the rarity of this type of table that served as a desk, one can imagine that this piece of furniture from Quercy experienced the heyday of river transport on the Lot during the 17th century. This desk table was probably…

Cette table bureau fut vraisemblablement l'apanage d'un haut dignitaire du corps des Douanes, en charge d'un florissant comptoir de commerce implanté sur les rives de l'Olt, ancien nom du Lot.

Table bureau en chêne et châtaignier – Louis XIII – XVIIᵉ siècle – Quercy – [ME074]

Table bureau en chêne et châtaignier – Louis XIII – XVIIᵉ siècle – Quercy Compte tenu de la rareté de ce type de table qui servait de bureau, on peut imaginer que ce meuble provenant du Quercy connut les belles heures du transport fluvial sur le Lot au cours du XVIIᵉ siècle. Cette table bureau…